Saturday, July 11, 2020

JULY 2020 Hilltop Chapel Newsletter

JULY 2020


When July 4th rolls around each year, I tend to reminisce about the “good old days” of my youth.  There was a parade down the main street of town, speeches by the mayor and other dignitaries , a barbecue in the backyard, games, lots of laughter and as darkness finally descended, the fireworks display.  From the first dazzling starburst to the Stars and Stripes finale, my gaze never left the sky in anticipation of the next “poof” as another rocket made its way into the night.  It still amazes me, 60 years later, to think of all the planning and technical knowhow needed to put on a 15 to 20 minute pyrotechnic show.

Think how Francis Scott Keys must have felt as he watched the real bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812.  He wrote the Star Spangled Banner during that fateful night, not knowing whether his beloved country would survive.  Can you imagine his delight as he saw the American flag still flying, though badly tattered and torn, over the fort as morning dawned?

Many years have passed since out forefathers penned the document that set in motion the most remarkable experiment in the history of the world: “...a nation of the people, by the people and for the people”.  I thought it might be appropriate, at this time in our nation’s history to revisit that document and see what it really says and how we measure up to its true intent today.  There is not enough room here to examine the entire document, but the first two paragraphs give the essence of the whole:  “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and the nature’s God entitle them, a decent  respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which compelled them to the separation.”
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.  That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.  Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.  But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same objet evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”  Thomas Jefferson wrote the draft, which was later approved by congress and entered into the record on July 4, 1776.

Those brave men, many of whom gave their fortunes and their lives for the cause of freedom, never wavered in the belief that liberty was well worth the sacrifice.  We are the beneficiaries of the vision that drove them to fight, against incredible odds, those who sought to oppress them.  They saw a nation that would be built, first and foremost, on biblical principles, both from Old and NewTestaments, which they knew would stand the test of time.  Those same principles are the fundamental reason that our country is still here today.  The question becomes, how much longer can the United States survive when we see the erosion of our national adherence to the very elements that forged our nation in the first place!

It saddens me and, I”m sure, all of you to watch the steady stream of legislative actions and Supreme Court decisions that move us further away from our biblical underpinning.  Can we still turn around? Yes we can!  But, do we have the courage to stand and proclaim the truth that will set this nation free again.  II Chronicles 7:14 says. “...if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  We need God’s forgiveness in the worst way, as individuals and as a nation.  The only way it will happen is if we humbly seek His forgiveness and turn away from our sinful ways.

The future of the United States hangs in the balance.  What we do, as Christians, in the next weeks and months may well tip the balance one way or the other.  Only God knows the outcome and ultimately, His will is going to be done.  What will you do to make a difference?

Pastor Rod


Here at Hilltop Chapel we have Begun to hold Morning Worship on the front lawn.  Attendees have been bringing their own lawn chairs and we are following all requirements of COVID-19 as set by the State of California and the Fresno County Health Dept.  The weather has been very far.  Pastor has begun to Live-stream the Worship Service and you can watch it on YouTube or on Facebook.  It has been quite an exciting experience for Pastor, as he is reaching people across the globe, people that probably don’t even know where Hilltop Chapel is located.  It is an exiting time in the life of Hilltop Chapel.  We do not know when things will get back to “normal”, we will probably have a “new normal”, but we will follow guidelines that are set before us.  We look forward to being able to meet again in the Sanctuary soon, but in the meantime, come out and join us on the front lawn.

We give a happy, but sad at the same time, send-off to our wonderful friend Edie Raper who has gone to live with family in Virginia.  Talking to her on Sunday morning, she seemed very happy to able to spend time with her grandchildren and great grandchildren she hasn’t even seen yet.  We pray that she has a smooth adjustment and we will miss her greatly!

Please continue to pray for those families you know that may have had a family member or friend become ill or pass away during this COVID-19 global pandemic.  Every life is precious to Jesus!


Due to the ongoing restrictions placed upon us due to the COVID-19 virus, we’re still working to meet the needs of those who have health issues and those who may be wary of venturing out due to concerns due to age.  It is our desire to get back to normal operating conditions as soon as possible.

Our “Church on the Lawn” services have been well received and we will continue those for the near future.  It is, however, our intent to move back into our sanctuary and/or the fellowship hall at the earliest possible moment.  We will keep everyone informed as to the latest adjustments to schedule as they become  available.  Thank you for your patience with us during these very trying times.


7/2     Tues 7:00 PM   Deacons’ & Deaconesses’ Meeting.  We will be meeting in the church             Fellowship Hall to address the spiritual needs of the church, as well as monitoring the latest updates concerning the Corona Virus and its effect on the life of the church and our community.  Please pray for us.
7/4    Independence Day.  Continue in prayer for our great nation as we celebrate the 244th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence & the founding of the United States of America.
7/5     SUN 9:00AM    Independence Weekend Worship Service.  If there were ever a time for God’s people to gather together, worship and seek Him, this is it!  Our task is obvious and vital—preach the Gospel to everyone.  Join us as we look to our Savior for  courage and strength in these troubled times.
7/7     TUE 10:00AM    Ladies Bible Study.  There will be no Helping Hands Meeting this month.  There will be Helping Hands Meetings resuming in August.
7/12     9:00AM     We have a scheduled concert this Sunday with one of our favorite singing groups, “Reliance”.  This talented trio, led by Ken Hurley, has toured extensively, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their unique song stylings.  Schedule may change and we’ll keep you posted with updates.  Join us and bring a friend.

Saturday, June 6, 2020


June 7, 2020

     Let’s open with a word of prayer.  “Our gracious Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day.  We thank you for the fact. Lord, we are moving forward in the name of Jesus. We just ask, as we move forward,  that everything be pleasing in your sight.  Bless those who have joined us this morning.  We just pray that your name will be honored and glorified in all that we do and say, in Jesus name.  Amen.”

     (Open your Bibles and read 2 Chronicles 7:12-16.  Let’s have a word of prayer.  “Father we ask your blessing now as we open your Word.  Help us to relieve from you that which you have given us today.  You know, Lord, that we live in a dangerous world and there are many things going on in our world today.  But we know that your plan for the world is perfect.  We just ask, as we read your Word, that we might understand it fully and we might be drawn to you, closer and closer each day. In Jesus’ name.  Amen.”

     SERMON:  The title of the sermon today is “If My People, and I have been thinking in terms of what we have been witnessing lately, both with the pandemic COVID-19 and all the things that went  with it and it’s still prevalent with us today, and the sad death of an innocent man.  But I thought in all these things, God is preeminent, God is here, God hasn’t left us.  And it took me back to the birth of the United States and a man by the name of John Adams, a name I’m sure that you’ve heard before.  He was there at the very beginning, and it was anything but an easy birth of this nation.  Several years ago I read a book by David McCollum, a biography of John Adams, and it’s fascinating. In school I enjoyed History, and I never got into any depth in the study of each individual Patriot.  This book takes John Adams from the cradle, his birth in Braintree, Massachusetts to the grave. I won’t give you a blow-by-blow of his life, except to say he was a farm boy, but with great hard study and determination, graduated from Harvard College, became a lawyer, then a Legislator, a Rebel who signed the Declaration of Independence, an Ambassador to France, Holland, England, Vice President under George Washington and the second President of the United States.  He died at the age of 90 at a time that most people didn’t live to see 60 at his home in Braintree. Oh, and by the way, he died on July 4, 1826, the exact same day as the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson who was 83.
     John Adams was also a born-again believer.  He lived a his life with a deep commitment to his Savior, Jesus Christ, in constant prayer, seeking God’s will at every turn.  Even then, there were those who  proclaimed a different religious belief, Humanism, or as it was called “The Age of Reason”.  The idea was that by thinking deeply, man could set his own course and bring about peace on earth without God’s help.  Thomas Jefferson, and many others in Government were among those who called themselves Diest’s, believing that God set everything in motion, then stepped aside and let mankind figure things out without getting further involved.  As they say, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”.
     So let’s fast forward 2 1/2 Centuries in where we find ourselves in “The Post Christian World”.  In the 20 years that followed the Revolutionary War, if it had not been or men like John Adams, our Republic would not have survived.   There is every possibility that our Republic may not survive the current onslaught against it.  Only time will tell if we stand or fall.  We as Christians, must do our utmost to preserve the truths that this nation was built on, like Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  But the greatest and most important truth is what we find on our coins, “In God We Trust.”  Our mission, at this point, is clear. I do firmly agree that we must be ready at all times to give a clear, loving account of our faith in Jesus Christ, and the absolute fact that He is the only one who can deliver us as individuals and as a nation.
     I would like to go back and read our text one more time, especially verse 14.  Listen carefully.  “If my people , who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.”  I see so many people today that will not take any other course, except that of destructive action. They are trying to do things to mold the world into the image that they have perceived of.  And they are not willing to listen to any reasonable alternatives.  We are watching people take to the streets because they want their way and no other way. There is no room for discussion, there is no room intelligent thought.  It’s just “Whatever comes into my mind, that’s what I’m going to do.”  We see people pouring into the streets and hurting other people so that they can get their own way, or get something that they want that they didn’t earn. 
     Why an I talking about this this morning?  Because I think it’s vital that we understand that God has a purpose, even on the things that we don’t understand, the things that we are watching on TV, the senseless beatings and killings that are taking place, all these things serve a purpose that only God can understand.  What God it trying to tell us if we will repent of our sins, if we will turn from the things that have turned this Nation upside down right now, God will forgive us, He will heal our land.  He will make us whole again as a people.  We’re the ones that need to repent.  We’re the ones who need to be down on our knees and pour out our hearts in confession of our sins. We’re the ones who have to stop doing things our own way, rather than His.  We’re the ones that have to come back, seek His face and receive forgiveness, then, and only then can the healing process begin.  It begins with Christian people.  Those who know that Lord as their Savior, those of us who hopefully live our lives in His will and purpose, have strayed too.  We sought  our own way, we want to do things our way, things that please us.  God expects us to do things that please Him.  God can heal our land, absolutely He can heal our land, but we have we be willing to submit to Him.  Will He heal our land this time?  I don’t know.  The Bible tells us that when we see these things taking place, things that we are seeing now, things that are happening on the streets of our cities, that Jesus is on the doorstep.  I don’t know if it’s already too late for our nation.  I don’t know what’s going to happen next.  But I do know that if we do what the Bible tells us to do God will listen and God will make a difference.
   The COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on our world has been unequaled by any other event in history, including two World Wars.  The things we have been going through and the things we have been watching  happen in people’s lives is unparalleled.  The total shut-down of the world, our Government, our economic system, everything just came to screeching halt.  Now we are trying to build back into our economy, our people getting back to work and it all seems to be very much “fits and starts”, it looks good for a couple of days, then things don’t look so good.  Some news comes out and we all go into a panic again.  I believe God is looking down and saying,”You’re not listening, You’re not listening. Come unto me and I will give your rest, I will give you peace, I will give you joy, all those things that your striving so hard to accomplish, I will give you in an instant.”
     I am very confident that we are looking down corridors of time right now and approaching the end of all things as we know them, and because of that, we as Christians need to stand up, we as Christians need to do things that are pleasing in God’s sight. We need to be praying, we need to be listening, we need to be reaching out to others who need Jesus.  We need to tell people the truth that will set them free.  What Jesus told us in Matthew 24, that these things must take place.  But He also told us that when we see these things taking place, that we are nearing the end.  We are nearing the Rapture of the Church.  We talk about the Rapture of the Church, that time when Christians will be taken out of the world, a time when chaos will reign on the earth unlike anything we’ve seen so far.  But there is still time right now for us to make a difference in the hearts and lives of people.  Lots of people are scared today, lots of people are looking for answers.  We have the answers.  We have the truth that will set people free.  What would it take for one person to go and tell another person the truth that will set them free?  And the answer is, nothing.  All we have to do is go and do it.  Let’s God lead you.  You probably have some people on your list right now you need to talk to about Jesus, and you know it, and you have been waiting, you have been waiting because you might me a little afraid that they might not like you.  But I can assure you that they are going to like you a whole lot less when they come before God and he says, “depart from me, I never knew you”, because we didn’t tell them the truth. 
     It’s on my heart a lot lately because I see people all the time struggling, people that who have lost their jobs, people who have bills to pay and they can’t pay them, people who are at their wits end and they don’t know what’s going to happen next.  Can God solve all those problems?  Absolutely He can. And He will.  And He will lead them by the hand until the problems are solved.  He will never leave us, He will never forsake us.  What we have to do as Christians is to get out there and tell them the Good News.  The hope that is in us is Christ.  The hope is that is in us is eternity with Him.  We have it, we need to share it.  We need to do it quickly because Jesus is coming again.  John Adams had that hope in the 1700’s and 1800’s and he shared it with a lot of people.  He wasn’t bashful about his faith.  Not everybody agreed with him, and he was a stubborn New Englander , but he had a way of telling people the truth that would set them free.  And that wonderful way is still available today.  All we have to do is love people, tell them the truth and give them the hope that they need, that not only through eternity, but right now, Jesus will be with them and give them everything that they need to survive now and forever more.
     I praise you Lord Jesus for the opportunity today to just share this truth with others.  May we, as your people, humble ourselves before  you and allow you to lead us.  Let’s pray. “Our gracious Heavenly Father,  there is so much in the world today that we see as difficult, so much today that we see as horrible, and yet you have overcome the world.  Help us to help others to see the truth, to know the truth and believe and trust you forever more.  We praise you and thank you for what you are doing among us and we thank you for the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ today.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.”

Sunday, May 31, 2020

SERMON NOTES 5/31/2020


     OPENING PRAYER: “Our gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for bringing us safely here today.Wherever we are this morning I just pray a special blessing to those who are watching today.Father as we start this service help us to give you all the praise, honor and glory.  In Jesus’ sweet name we’ll ask it.  Amen.”

     SERMON:  Our scripture this comes from Acts 1:1-11.  
Before we read God’s Word let’s have a word of prayer. “Our gracious Heavenly Father we ask, that as we come into your presence as we read your Word, we know it’s the truth. We know it’s the truth because you promised.  And as we open your Word, may we find peace, comfort, hope and joy.  In Jesus’ name we’ll ask it.  Amen.” Open your Bibles and read Acts 1:1-11.
     Jesus gave the Apostles and Disciples instructions as to what they were to do after He left.  The Holy Spirit would dwell in each of them and empower them.  Today is Pentecost Sunday, and on this day it was 10 days after Jesus had descended to heaven and 50 days since His Resurrection, hence the name Pentecost.
     How many of your had to wait for something very important to you personally or your family?  Perhaps it was a promotion at work or a new house or car.  Whatever it was the waiting was most likely the hardest part of the whole affair.  I can remember back to a time just before I turned 16, which was a couple of years ago,  I was waiting to get a wonderful little piece of paper called the driver’s permit.  I can remember it was well before Christmas and my grandparents were visiting for the holidays and it had rained then it snowed and then it got icy.  My grandfather asked me to move his car around to the back of the garage.  I jumped at the opportunity, grabbed the keys, got into the car and moved it around the back.  When I neared the garage I applied the breaks, hit a patch of ice, and slipped right into the garage door.  I was maybe doing 5 mph, but enough to do minor damage to the door, damage I could not repair or hide. I knew when my dad found out I was in big trouble, and guess what, he didn’t disappoint. He looked at the garage door and then looked at me and said, “buddy, (and I was not his buddy at that time), that door just cost you 6 months on your license.”  Instead of getting my permit in February on my birthday, I wouldn’t get my permit until June, and he was true to his word.  All of my friends were getting their permits and using them and I was stuck using the only mode of transportation I had...a bicycle.  Very demeaning, very demeaning.  When June finally came I was the first one in line at the DMV office.  The wait was over and I could long last cast off the shackles of immobility.  I think I may have sung the Hallelujah chorus, I can’t remember for sure.  It was a sweet day in the life of yours truly, and I can attest to that very firmly.
     All of that might give you an idea of what it was like in Jesus’ inner circle.  They waited for what He had promised.  The things that He told them about before he left the earth and ascended into heaven.  Don’t forget that they were known to authorities, those who were in charge of the temple, and the folks that were in that group were very, very interested in erasing any vestige of remembrance of Jesus and His claim to the throne of Israel.  They would have gladly have gotten rid of  Peter, James, John, and any of the rest of the followers of Christ.  It was a time of great fear, anxiety and waiting for the next foot to fall.  They heard what Jesus said about receiving power, but they didn’t quite comprehend how it would manifest itself and what good they would derive from it.  So, as the days dragged on, they became more and more anxious and perplexed.  And finally on the tenth day after Jesus was caught up into Heaven things  started to happening in a great hurry.  So we have to picture what it must have been like in that upper room as they waited and  what it must have been like as God the Holy Spirit began to come among them. So I want to take us now a little further down the line. (read Acts 2:1-18). Now picture this if you will, here are these people waiting and waiting and waiting and praying to the Lord to show them what was going to happen.  And all of a sudden, it begins to happen. The thing that amazed these people, was not only that the Galileans were speaking, and they were seeing all these things taking place, but they were hearing all these men speaking in their own language.  Peter would stand up and speak, he gave a wonderful sermon on that day, but he was speaking Galilean which was a very small place within Israel that spoke a particular dialect.  So as they were speaking all these people from all over the world that had come for this festival of Pentecost were hearing him speaking in their particular language.  Now think about this,  they have people coming from all over the world coming for this and they were listening to the Word o God being spoken by people speaking one language and they are alll hearing it in their own language.  That must have blown them away.  I am sure that if we were there and they were speaking English we would have been amazed too.  Peter gets up and begins his sermon.  So what were they prophesying?  They were telling about Jesus.  The one who had been crucified, the one who had risen again, and they one who they had been spending the last 40 days with before He rose into heaven.  He was showing them great and wonderful things, and now those things had been passed on to them. Those things they were going to use to turn the world upside down for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It’s amazing to me that  here we are 2000 years later and we are telling the same story, in many different languages, all over the world, and the truth goes out in truth and in Spirit and God is changing lives even in the midst of all the things that are going on in our world today.  People are still coming to the saving  knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Why?  Because God promised.  God said it would happen and it happened, and it’s been happening for the last 2000 years. 
     You and I are in the midst of a world pandemic right now and we are doing things that we never thought we would be doing.  But God has a purpose in all of it and God is bringing people to Him who would not necessarily have heard the Gospel if it weren’t for the things that we are doing right now. Our little town of Miramonte isn’t very big.  And yet we are reaching to places all over the country and even in places around the world and beyond the United States of America.  We praise God for the opportunity to be here with you this morning.  Just like Pentecost,  the Gospel continues to go on.  The Gospel is reaching out to you today.  The Gospel is reaching out to others, maybe family members that you have.  I don’t know where this message will end up.  It’s going to be on our archives for quite a while, but right now in your home today, God is speaking to your heart.  God is bringing the message in a language that you can understand, your heart language and saying to you “Come.  Find peace, find joy, find hope find  something beyond what you have experienced  before, because what I have for you is eternal. It never goes away.  It lasts forever”.  And it’s simply the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.  ”For God so love the world that he gave His only begotten Son the whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) That’s what God offers to each one of us this morning, simply by confessing our sins, asking for forgiveness and welcoming Him into our lives.  I pray that would be your experience today.  And I pray for those of you who already know Jesus that you would be encouraged that God is with you every step of the way.  Whatever you are doing today may God richly bless you. But the most  important thing that you can do, if you haven’t done it yet, is to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.  Our prayer is that you will do that and you will tell others the good news too.  God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

SERMON NOTES 5/24/2020


Good morning.  I can’t tell you how happy I am to be here today delivering God’s message.  Let us pray:
     “Father God, be with us today as we worship you as we praise you and give you all the glory for things you have dome, past, present and future.  We ask that you bless this simple church in the mountains, it’s congregation, it’s leadership, and all those who work so hard to keep it going.  Please bless the reading of your Word and help us to always spread your Word to others and to implement it in our personal lives.  And Father we would ask you today that you would  bless America through it’s many struggles.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

SERMON:  As we get going today, I would like to share a story with you.  A story of a church in  Las Vegas that my parents attended.  They actually helped build it and raise a big congregation there.  They had many potlucks, they had potlucks all the time it seemed like. My wife Lee nd I would try to go to as many of them as we could to spend time with my mom and dad.    And at one of these potlucks, and it was like a church potluck anywhere, the food was plentiful and delicious, and the dessert table, well, it was plentiful and delicious as well.  And at this one potluck the Pastor got up and he spoke a little bit about blessings and how blessed we were and that we needed to appreciate that in our lives so much.  And then he asked if there were any other people that would like to share their blessings.  And a couple of people got up and shared their blessings.  Then a men in the back of the room held up a Bible.  And he said. “You all know what this is.”  It was a Bible in a camouflaged cover.  A Service Bible that belonged to his nephew who was a young Lieutenant in the Army in charge of a rifle platoon headed for Iraq.   It was tough times and the young Lieutenant knew that when he got there that there would be quite a bit of down time involved and that he would endevour to make the best use of that time he could be reading the Bible.  That was his goal, reading the Bible.  So his time came for them to be deployed and they got to Iraq and were assigned to an outpost in the northern part of Iraq were the fighting was particularly vicious.  And the young lieutenant began reading his Bible.  Every chance he got, when he wasn’t fighting, he was reading, reading that Bible all the time.   Their original deployment was only supposed to last 6 months.  So when 6 months came the orders came for them to be redeployed back to the United States.  And they couldn’t believe it that the  Army could have possibly got this right.  After all it was their chance to go home.  And they went out and celebrated it was just so wonderful, they couldn’t believe it, and they celebrated probably a little too hard, and hurt themselves a little bit.  But, while they were still recovering another set of orders came through cancelling those orders.  Their orders to redeploy back to the United States had been rescinded.  They went from the highest high to the lowest low in just a matter of reading that page.  And the young Lieutenant kept reading his Bible the whole time.  By now he’d become pretty well-known around the outfit as the guy who reads the Bible and there were other people that came to read with him. And they started their own study group and whenever they weren’t fighting they were reading that Bible.  Nine months into their deployment came and again they received orders to redeploy and again they celebrated, however not quite as much as before.  And again those orders we’re rescinded, and they did not get to go home.  And the young Lieutenant kept reading his Bible and kept encouraging those other folks to read and to study the Bible as well.  When it came to one year, they had spent one year in combat orders came like they had seen before to redeploy and they had learned to be cautious, combat had made them very cautious people.  And so they didn’t celebrate this time, they waited for the other foot to fall.  And fall it did.  The orders were again cancelled. This time they didn’t feel that really high-low thing because they kind of settled in with the whole experience.  And the young Lieutenant continued to  read the Bible.  After about 14 months in their combat missions the young Lieutenant finally turned the last page. He had finished reading the Bible.   He closed the book and put it in his ready pack, the pack that they all carry everywhere they go so that he would have it when he needed it.  The rest of the guys in the platoon threw a party for him to celebrate his achievement and he encouraged them to be faithful, to pray, because when you pray God hears you.   And it wasn’t more than 10 days later  that another set of orders fell on their doorstep.  These were orders to redeploy back to the United States.  And being cautious people that they were they did not celebrate.  As a matter of fact they did not celebrate until they got on the plane to go home.  Then they relaxed, they high-fived and they joked.  And it was miraculous.  And another thing that makes this so miraculous was that all of those men in that  platoon that went home were the original men that went to Iraq 14 months earlier.  They all survived, uninjured, unwounded and alive.  Now a lot of people would say that that is a coincidence, but I would say to you that no, that is not a coincidence.  That is God’s hand.  God had his hand on that.  Jesus prayed and interceded and  the Holy Spirit that resided in the heart of the young Lieutenant helped him to pray, helped to  pray and God created a miracle. This miracle was just amazing.  When I heard the story I couldn’t believe it, but I did believe it because God is capable of almost everything in anything.
     Miracles are all around us  all the time.  God creates miracles in our lives every day, every day they are there.  But one thing I’ve noticed that if you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you have not been baptized,  it’s hard for you to see those miracles.  It’s easy for you to write them off as coincidence.  
     I myself have had the fortune of being baptized twice.  The first time I was baptized I was 12 years old.  I wasn’t being baptized because of any religious epiphany or anything like that.  I was being baptized because that was what was expected of me and my family.  However the second time was different.  The second time was just a few years ago at Hume Lake. It was a beautiful day, it was warm the breeze was light, the water was cool, it was just an unbelievable day.  My wife and I were both baptized there together by Pastor Rod and Deacon Bruno.  And as they lowered me down into the water I looked up through the water and I could see that something was changing.  I was aware that something was changing.  And when they raised me out of the water and the water shed from my face, I knew the day was different. I knew what it meant to be saved, and I knew who my Savior was. I just couldn’t hardly believe it, but Christ is there for all of us and I knew how many miracles he had performed in my life, and I knew how many times he had saved me to bring me to that moment, so that I could be saved.  Praise the Lord!
      Speaking of each generations obligations, every generation of soldiers that comes along since our Revolutionary War has had to deal with their own specific challenges.  Every generation has their war, every generation has their strife, their conflict, their necessity to help in emergencies, their natural nature, and it’s a credit to each generation that there are those that hear the call to arms,  that are willing to mount the battlement keep the watch,  keep the watch for all of us, to keep us safe.
     On this Memorial weekend we honor those who have fallen while in service to our armed forces, and we honor those who were left behind.   Those men that fell, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, “May the last full measure of devotion for their country, the last full measure of devotion to their country.”  Please join me in a moment of silence for those soldiers that have given their life, who have perished. (Prayer) All powerful God, we honor today those men and women, our sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers, brothers, sisters and mothers, who have laid down their lives for our country.  Whether they were wary or emboldened, quiet or defiant, vulnerable or ready when you called them home, their sacrifice is too humbling for words except these uttered in prayer.  Loving Lord, bless them forever in your eternal peace.   Cherish their  spirit, honor their commitment and send them our love.  And we will never forget the source, the service they gave.  Amen.  
     Soldiers in prayer often go together.  Tough times in battle bring out prayers for survival and when we pray God listens.  People come to God during hard times.  During the pandemic people have been coming to God in numbers that we have not seen in a long time.  When you pray, God listens.  Praise the Lord!  Prayer can access to God, it can establish that intimate relationship that we both seek.  We need to go to God in private prayer, speak to him as you would a loving, kind, compassionate and patient father.  Tell Him of your challenges, what your needs are, what your wants are and about the general condition of your life.  God wants to hear these things, and God will always listen to your prayers.  God wants to hear how you are.  And God will always grant your prayers but sometimes not in the way you would want, but in His time for His purpose.  Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by  prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.  And the peace which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  
     If sometimes you have difficulty in prayer knowing what your thoughts are but finding it difficult to express those in words remember that God knows what you need and what  you pray for even before you even utter it.  The Holy Spirit that lives in your heart since you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior will always intercede when you have difficulty.  Turn in your Bibles and read Matthew 6:9-13.  Here Jesus is delivering His Sermon on the Mount and His disciples want to pray to God as well and they are having difficulty and are asking Jesus for instruction. And Jesus says, “ that when you pray thou shall not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogue and standing on the corners in the streets that they be seen by others.  Verily I say to you, they have their reward.  But when you pray use not vain repetitions as others do for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking.  Be not like them, for your Father knows what you need before you even ask  Him. And after this manner therefore pray.  And I ask that you  all join me in the Lord’s Prayer.  (Recite the Lord’s Prayer). This simple prayer which came to be known as The Lord’s Prayer was delivered by Jesus to the disciples over 2000 years ago and has often been referred to as the summary of the whole Gospel. It brings about a sense of solidarity in knowing that Christians around the globe are praying this prayer together. And the words in this prayer always work to unite us.  Teach this simple prayer to others, to your children, its encumbered upon us as Christians to pass these things on.  Teach our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great, great grandchildren what the Bible is all about.  Teach them who Jesus was, why He died and why He rose to be with us again and why He will come again.  Teach them the stories of the Bible.  Spend time with them in prayer.  Pass along the Truth, the Truth that will set them free.  The Lord’s Prayer could also be looked upon as an outline for prayer.  With 6 simple steps 1) Address God as the rightful place as the Father; 2) worship and praise God for who He is and all that He has done; 3) acknowledge that it is God’s will and plans that are in control and not ours; 4) ask God for what we need; 5) confess our sins and repent; 6) and request protection and help in overcoming sin and Satan’s attacks on us. 1 Timothy 2:5 “For there is one God and there is one mediator between God and men and that man is Christ Jesus.” Numbers 6:25, “May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.”
     I want to thank you all for being here today.  God Bless America  and God Bless each and every one of you.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


MAY 17, 2020 

Goods morning.  This is pastor Rod Davison from Hilltop Chapel in Miramonte,  CA.  We are delighted to have you with us this morning.  Let’s start our worship this morning with a word of prayer;
    “Our gracious Heavenly Father we thank you for this day.  We thank you for your many blessings to us and we thank you for bringing us all here safely this morning.  We just pray that your will be done in everything we do and say this day. In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Open your Bibles and read Joshua 24:1-15.
    As I read the scripture this morning I was thinking about choosing, and it is time to choose.  It took me back to when I was youngster back in the 1950’s and I was learning baseball.  I am a very big baseball fan, as most of you know. More specifically, a San Francisco Giants fan.  So for you Dodger fans you may silently boo at this time,  But I would like to take you back in time to what we called a pick-up ball game.  The big kids would gather all the kids in the neighborhood and we’d play great baseball.  But first they had to chose sides.  It was a very important and solemn moment in every pick-is game.  They would take a bat, turn the handle end up and each captain would grip the bat and they would go alternately hand-over-hand til they got to the top of the. Handle.  The one that reached the top of the handle first got to choose first.  Which ever captain’s hand that ended up closest to the knob without going over was the one that chose the first person. After all, the fate of the game rested on the ability of the players chosen. As the process began they quickly gobbled up the best players and then the hard labor began.  They couldn’t play without having 7 players on each team, they cheated on that every once in a while when somebody didn’t  show up, but  they were supposed to have 7 players on each team.  So they needed some warm bodies to primarily fetch the balls that were hit over their heads, we didn’t have fences in those days,  and those hits ended up being triples or home runs, especially if it was hit to right field.  Right field was given to worst player on each team.  Not only did you have the shame of being picked last but then you got to run your little legs off chasing balls for two or three hours. How do I know all this valuable information?  For the first few years of by baseball career I was the right fielder.  I take great pride in watching Mike Yastrzemski, the current Giant’s right fielder, although we are not watching him at this point in time.  He’s a fantastic player that would make any former right fielder swell with admiration and pure delight. 
So what does baseball have to do with Joshua who lived over 3500 years ago?  It’s all about choosing sides.  It occurred to me that many times we make choices on what is convenient or expedient.  Rather than any consideration that what may be the long-term effect.  It doesn’t matter how big or small the decision is it still has consequences of some kind.  Small decisions sometimes have the most profound results.
     I’d like you to consider for a couple of minutes the decision that Joshua made as a young man to stay close to Moses and be his helper and confidant.  As one of the 12 valiant men  sent out by Moses to the promised land across the Jordan River, he along with Caleb, came back with the desire to go into the land and claim it for the Lord. The other 10, unfortunately, said no and gave a bad report about giants and a prospect of defeat.  All those who predicted defeat died in the wilderness.  But Joshua entered the promised land and conquered just as God said he would.
     Something came up recently in a poll and it said that 82%  of the people polled said they would go to church if they were asked.  In that same poll only 2% of regular attendees had ever asked anyone to come to church with them.  Think about that, 82% of the people polled would go to church if somebody asked them and only 2% ever asked them.  And granted at this point in time someone might kind of look at you cross-eyed if you invited them to attend church.  Most churches are closed right now.  However, there is nothing stopping you from asking if they would be interested in watching our video presentation at 11:00am every Sunday, or some other church’s video.  I know a lot of churches in our area are producing these videos so that you could have a choice of many that you might be able to watch.  One of the things that we have to decide as Christians is “are we truly going to give God first place?  Are we going to do what he calls us to do?  Are we going to choose to be bold in our witness?” (Please open your Bibles and read II Timothy 1:3-14)
     The important thing that Paul in emphasizing is Timothy, in the scripture, is to keep the faith.  But more than keep the faith, to spread the faith.  We are called to spread the faith.  In other words, he’s simply stating we are to be willing to clearly say “I am a Christian and here’s the reason why.” And why was he telling Timothy to be bold?  What was the reason for that?  I believe that Timothy had become discouraged by something he saw happening in the church  and was loosing his enthusiasm for the challenge of meeting his young congregation.   Maybe with all things going on in the world today you have become a little bit discouraged. Maybe about the roll of the church in the world and wonder how we will be most effective in our witness or our outreach to the communities.
     I’d be less than honest if I said there was a one-size-fits-all answer to the question.  I’m confident, however, that God has not rested or retreated from the battle.  Just like Joshua and Caleb in the Old Testament and Paul and Timothy in the New Testament, God will empower us to do all that He calls us to do in the 21st Century.  We are His people. He has called us by name and we know that His Word tells us that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose.  We are His people.  We have been called.  The question is always the same, “Are we willing to join the battle He has called us to?”  Whatever the battle plan for wherever you live wait on the Lord for commands.  Then go bravely to the front and give Him your best effort.  He will lift you up, He will sustain you, and He will bring you to the defining  moment of your life.  As the saying goes, “you’re in it to win it.”
     What's the price?  The price is giving our lives to him for however He sees fit to use us.  What’s the prize?  The prize is the Crown of Glory given tho those who stand firm until the end.  We are His people, we are called by His name and He has a purpose for each one of our lives.  It may be different for you than it is for me, it may be different for your than for someone else, but God has a purpose for everybody.  His will is being done even in the midst of this pandemic that we have been going through for the last several months.  We don’t know how it’s going to end, we don’t know when it’s going to end.  But we do know that God is sovereign in every situation.  Nothing escapes His notice and nothing since the beginning of the world has ever happened that has surprised Him. You have to realize that you are working according to His plan, not ours.  Kingdoms rise and fall at the pleasure of God and people and rulers rise and fall at the pleasure of God.  He knows what He’s doing. He’s faithful and He has a reason for us being here this morning.  You and I are here by Divine Appointment.  You are listening to me and watching me right now— I’ll tell you that I am always nervous when I do this, but God has a purpose for it.  He will bring about that which is pleasing in His sight.  We are all called by Him.  Joshua was called by Him 3500 years ago, Paul was called 2000 years ago, Timothy at the same time.  Each one was working ac cording to God’s purpose  and God’s plan for them. 2000 years down the road, here we are, and God has a plan for each one of our lives.  Nobody is immune, we’ve all got a purpose.  And God wants to use us for His honor and glory at this time.  You’re here today because God has called you.  You’re here today listening to me because God has a purpose for your life.  He wants to do something great and wonderful in you and through you so others might know the truth that will set them free too.  We’re all here together, we’re all here for His purpose.   All God wants you to do is to say. “Yes Lord. I’n in, I’m in all the way and I will serve you any way that I possibly can.
     He’s a wonderful God. He’ll never leave us or forsake us and He sent Jesus into the world to die for us.  To give us eternal life.  To give us forgiveness of sins, and all we have to do is ask Him and He will say yes to you.
     I thank you for your time today, I pray that it has been a blessing to you and we are so thankful to be able to come where you are and give you the truth of the Gospel.  Thank you so much.  Let’s have a word of prayer.
     “Our gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for your blessings  and we thank you most of all, Lord, that we are doing something that is pleasing in your sight. Whenever we give out the Gospel, you are pleased.  Help us to give it out in a way that is always pleasing in your sight and brings glory and honor to your name.  We praise you and thank you in Jesus’ precious name.  Amen.