Saturday, August 1, 2020



I’ve been watching, in amazement, the news from around the world this past week.  I must say that “roses and lollipops” were not the first things that come to mind as I scrolled through the items posted by various sources of information.  I’m well aware that looking for hopeful signs about any subject from politics to world peace, is a total waste of time, however, there seems to be absolutely no relief from the constant turmoil and bloodshed in every corner of the globe.

The Covid-19 pandemic has just added another layer of angst to the other ills we’re facing.  Add in the total disregard for law and order and one quickly realizes the depravity of the human condition and the depths to which we’ve fallen over the past several months. The downward spiral is not likely to abate as we approach the presidential election just 3 months  away.

President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden are in the most bizarre political race in all the years I’ve witnessed rivals battle for the support of the electorate.  The two are very possibly not even going to meet on the same stage for debates and likely will not even see each other in person before the election.  What a strange unfolding of events we are witnessing in our present age.

We’ve had some excellent men take the oath of office, starting with George Washington’s first inauguration on April 30, 1789,  and we’ve had some who were less than dubious.  I won’t boor you with my list of the best and worst, but I will tell you that what separates the highs and lows on my list usually boils down to one very important trait—integrity.  I looked up integrity in the  dictionary, just to see if it was the correct word to use in this particular context.  I’ll let you be the judge.  Integrity: 1) Strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct. 2) Personal honesty and independence .  I think that if every man who ever took the oath of office had that kind of core set of values our country would not be it’s present condition.

Why do we find ourselves in such a sad state of affairs in 2020?  We, as a nation and the world  at large have collectively spent the past 100 years moving farther and farther away from absolute standards of biblical truth, law, morality, parenting and education.  What we are left with is a total absence of any sense of right or wrong, a complete disregard for discipline, and an embracing of every form of lewd and immoral activity.  Do I think that we are hopelessly lost as a nation?  No, I am a very optimistic person (sometimes to my detriment), however, I’m not able to say with any certainty that the tide is turning in a positive direction.

What I am absolutely certain of is that God is still and always will be sovereign in every situation and that, ultimately, His purpose will be served.  How can we, seeing what is transpiring on this old earth, have any confidence that the prophets of the Old and New Testaments are right in the things they have written concerning the future of mankind?  The space allotted for this article is not near adequate to give you even a taste of all the prophesies that have been fulfilled, to the letter, in the history of mankind.

The book of Daniel alone reveals the rise and fall of the four major world powers from Babylon to the Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires and predicted the rise of the global “one world” system that we are experiencing as I write this article in July of 2020.  What we, as Christians, have to understand is that none of what we are witnessing today should take us by surprise or cause us to throw up our hands in despair.  It’s all clearly and accurately spelled out for us in God’s holy word!

Yes, the world is getting worse by the minute.  Yes, there is danger around every corner.  Yes, governments and leaders are losing the confidence and support of their people.  Any finally, yes, there is no doubt that we could be eye witnesses to the end of the world as we know it.  Isn’t that what Christians have been praying for and preaching about since the apostles’ time?  That’s what my Bible says, and I assume yours is pretty much the same as mine.

If this article accomplishes anything, I hope it will cause us to think about where our hope lies.  It certainly is not possible for the leaders of the United States, the European Union, Russia, China, Australia , Canada or Israel to bring about world peace.  It is not within the power of the leaders of the major religious factions, cults or isms to derail the onrushing tide of devastation sweeping the world today.  Governments, politicians, religious leaders, armies, or major corporations will not change anything that is about to transpire on Earth in the coming months.

The only hope we have or have ever had remains the same:  It’s Jesus!  If you have put your faith and trust in Christ there is nothing to fear.  If you are still clinging to the false belief that someone else is a better bet for you, there is a great deal to fear.

My fondest desire is that everyone who reads this article will spend eternity with God in His heavenly kingdom.  There is still only one way to find forgiveness of sin, peace, joy and eternal life— it’s simply by trusting God’s promise.  When the Philippians jailer asked Paul and Silas, “...Sirs, what must I do to be saved?  They responded, “Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household.”  (Acts 16:30-310.  It’s as simple as that—don’t miss it!!

Pastor Rod


Hilltop Chapel is continuing to have Morning Worship on the Lawn at 9:00am.  God has been gracious, and the weather has stayed bearable at that time of day!  Bruno has got the live streaming up and running so that God’s word can be heard across the country and the world.  That is very exciting for this small church on the hill in Miramonte, CA!  Thank you, Bruno for your hard work to get this project going; and I want to thank those who help set the system up and tear it down each Sunday morning, we appreciate all that you do.  I would like to give a Big Thank You to all those who have made the snack boxes for our congregation following Worship  every week.  All of these things are definitely an act of Love for our church and Lord.

We continue to adhere to all the regulations the Governor of California has set for churches to follow; social distancing, and masks if you wish to wear one, hand sanitizer everywhere around the church.

Hilltop Chapel lost two special friends this month; Ken Heddon (90 years young) and Mary Erickson (Lee McComb’s mother, 101 years young).  They are both home with their Lord.  They both will be missed.

Don’t forget to check the calendar for the events the church is having during the month; Morning Worship “On the Lawn“, Bible studies, and meetings, etc.  All other activities have been suspended for the time being. 

Please continue to pray for those families you know that may have had a family member or friend become ill or pass away during this Covid-19 global pandemic.

We would ask you to pray for all the Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders that risk their lives every day to make all of us safe.  Also please pray for all the churches in California, that we can overcome this virus and get our church life back to “normal”.

Let us not forget that God is control of all things!  (Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose.”)


Our upcoming events list is in a state of flux right now, as we continue to weather the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Hilltop Chapel is striving to stay within the mandates of federal, state and county government agencies.  Our outdoor services allow us a little more room to stay within the guidelines and still accommodate a few more people.  However, we are praying that restrictions will ease before we head into late autumn and winter months.  We will keep you posted here, in our weekly bulletins and on our website—hilltop as to changes in weekly and special even schedules.  Thank you, very much, for your ongoing support for Hilltop Chapel and our ongoing mission outreaches around the world.

Our schedule for August is as follows:
Aug. 2 —9:00am  Morning Worship and Communion “On the Lawn”
Aug. 4—10:00am Ladies Bible Study (No Helping Hands this month)
Aug. 5— 5:30pm  Wednesday Evening Bible Study
                7:00pm  Midweek Prayer Service
Aug. 6— 7:00pm  Deacon and Deaconesses’ Meeting
Aug. 9—  9:00am  Morning Worship “On the Lawn”
Aug. 11—10:00am Ladies Bible Study
Aug. 12–  5:30pm Wednesday Evening Bible Study
                  7:00pm Midweek Prayer Service
Aug. 16–   9:00am. Morning Worship Service “On the Lawn”

That takes us halfway through the month.  Hopefully, we will be able to fill out the rest of the schedule in a more normal fashion in the next couple of weeks.  Thank you for your patience and prayers on our behalf.  May God bless you! 

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