Good morning. This is Pastor Rod from Hilltop Chapel in Miramonte, CA. We welcome you in the name of Jesus and we pray that you will have a blessing as we go forward this morning. Let’s pray. Father we just ask that you bless our time here today. Father we know that we are in your hands. We ask that your will be done this day, in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
Open your Bibles and read 1 Peter 12:1-12.
SERMON: In the years between Matthew and Revelation most of the
Disciples of Jesus had, in one way or another, been martyred. I just read a short but powerful article by Ann Graham Lotts in Decision Magazine which I found exciting and challenging. I will be quoting her frequently, so you may want to read the article in May Decision Magazine so you don’t miss anything.
Many have read traditional literature that attest to the belief that Peter was crucified upside down because he did not feel worthy to be crucified in the same manner as his Savior. But the rest of the disciples met their fates in a variety of horrible ways. I will give you a few examples here this morning, but if you want the full list check our Ann’s article. Phillip was tied to a pilar and stoned to death; Matthew was nailed to the ground with spikes and beheaded; James, Jesus’ half brother was pushed from the top of a building, then his broken body was beaten to death. As you can see the penalty of being a follower of Jesus was heavy indeed. And these were the leaders of the movement that gained traction shortly after Jesus’ death. There were many others that followed in their steps, whose names we don’t even know who met similar deaths for the same reason.
Disciples of Jesus had, in one way or another, been martyred. I just read a short but powerful article by Ann Graham Lotts in Decision Magazine which I found exciting and challenging. I will be quoting her frequently, so you may want to read the article in May Decision Magazine so you don’t miss anything.
Many have read traditional literature that attest to the belief that Peter was crucified upside down because he did not feel worthy to be crucified in the same manner as his Savior. But the rest of the disciples met their fates in a variety of horrible ways. I will give you a few examples here this morning, but if you want the full list check our Ann’s article. Phillip was tied to a pilar and stoned to death; Matthew was nailed to the ground with spikes and beheaded; James, Jesus’ half brother was pushed from the top of a building, then his broken body was beaten to death. As you can see the penalty of being a follower of Jesus was heavy indeed. And these were the leaders of the movement that gained traction shortly after Jesus’ death. There were many others that followed in their steps, whose names we don’t even know who met similar deaths for the same reason.
What was it about Jesus that made people want to follow Him so fervently and others to do everything on their power to stop Him? Lots of people have left indelible marks on history, some good, some bad, but know Np one has ever made the major imprint on history left by Jesus Christ. Multitudes of people have given their lives for the cause of Christ, but why?
Look at history’s greatest leaders; Nebecudnezzar, Sirus, Darius, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlamaine, Napoleon, Churchill, Roosevelt, they all have one thing in common: they lived, they made their mark and then they died. Only Jesus Christ lived, made His mark, died then rose again. Last week we celebrated His death, burial and Resurrection. The Bible says, “But now Christ has risen from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. (1 Corinthians 15:20). The reasons His enemies crucified Him in the first place is that He was a great threat to them, and their precious positions of power, even under Roman Rule, that He overcame death by rising from His tomb was totally intolerable to them. His followers had to be destroyed also, that the word of His ressurection would not spread beyond Jerusalem. But spread it did. And as Peter was writing this Apistle to the body of believers abroad, the Gospel of Jesus was already literally spreading around the known world impacting untold numbers of people in the process. No one else in the history of mankind has ever affected the hearts and lives of more people, nor will there ever be such a person. Jesus said. “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6).
There is no doubt that we are watching a world in deep turmoil and there is no telling what the outcome of our present predicament will be. But God’s Word is very explicit that things we are watching unfold are precursors to what is described as the beginning the “The End”. Think about that, the beginning of The End. The Apostle Paul said that Jesus’ return was imminent. That was 2000 years ago, and we’re still here. But there is something About ‘this time”, and ‘this place”, and what is going on in the world today that is totally different. We have watched the world’s economy nearly collapse. We have watched millions of people have their lives shaken to the core. Many people are sitting at home, maybe some of you this morning out of a job, and don’t know when that job is coming back. But even though it’s scary, is it what is called the “beginning of the end”? Should we be worried? Any sane person might be more than concerned about the events unfolding before us.
Is there a solution? Oh Yes! there is, it all depends on where you are looking for your answers. The most famous verse of the Bible, John 3:16 is followed by an almost equally important verse which says, “For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:17). Our world today needs saving, and only Jesus can do that. Only Jesus can make the difference in a person’s life, so profound, that when it happens everything changes. You are changed from the inside out and given a new life. And if you know Jesus this morning, you have an obligation, our world today needs saving and only Jesus can do that. He has enlisted our help in that effort. So if you know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you’re on the team. It’s not a question of whether you made the team, you are on the team the moment you accepted Jesus into your life. The question is, are you willing to play the position He has placed you in? Without looking back, but looking to the Cross. Jesus paid it all for you and for me right there on the Cross of Calvary. Will we give whatever it takes to bring others to Him before it’s too late? And that’s the real question here this morning. Some of you that are watching, this might sound Greek to you, you never heard this before. Some of you have been Christians for a long time and you know exactly what I’m talking about. The issue is, are we willing as Christians, knowing what we know of the Bible, to go out and make a difference in a world that is in turmoil. God has given us the truth, We have been set free by the truth. Are we willing to tell others the truth that will set them free too? Jesus is coming. The world is getting closer and closer to the end. We all know it and we all are cognizant of what we are seeing today.
We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. We only know that God has given us today. There are certain people in this word that may not be here tomorrow, that’s a fact.
What are we doing for those people? What are we giving them that they are not getting from our news, from our blogs, from all the things that we are hearing from the government and the reporters. All those things sound like we are in desperation time. And, because what we know of the world, it is desperate time, and we have to do something about it. And God calls us to the one thing that we can do, tell others about the good news of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, just like you, just like me. And all you have to do is welcome Him into your heart and life and everything will change. But for those of us who are Christians our job is very clear, tell others before it’s too late.
I just pray that God’s richest blessings would be yours as we close this service today. I don’t know what this week is going to bring, but I do know the one that knows exactly what is going to happen this week, and what’s going to happen in your life this week, and He wants to be your Savior and Lord. All you have to do is say “Yes Lord. I want you in my life.” And He will come. Let’s close with a word of prayer.
“Our Gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day. We thank you for your blessings to us, and we thank you Lord, that no matter what is going on in the world you have overcome the world. There is nothing that the world can do that can shape us, or change us, we are your people, called by your name. Called out of darkness into your marvelous light. And you have given us life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord. May that be our prayer, may that be our plea this morning, that many more will come to know Christ, and to know Christ is to know life eternal. We praise you and thank you in His precious Name. Amen.
We thank you for being with us this morning, we pray that you received a blessing.
There is no doubt that we are watching a world in deep turmoil and there is no telling what the outcome of our present predicament will be. But God’s Word is very explicit that things we are watching unfold are precursors to what is described as the beginning the “The End”. Think about that, the beginning of The End. The Apostle Paul said that Jesus’ return was imminent. That was 2000 years ago, and we’re still here. But there is something About ‘this time”, and ‘this place”, and what is going on in the world today that is totally different. We have watched the world’s economy nearly collapse. We have watched millions of people have their lives shaken to the core. Many people are sitting at home, maybe some of you this morning out of a job, and don’t know when that job is coming back. But even though it’s scary, is it what is called the “beginning of the end”? Should we be worried? Any sane person might be more than concerned about the events unfolding before us.
Is there a solution? Oh Yes! there is, it all depends on where you are looking for your answers. The most famous verse of the Bible, John 3:16 is followed by an almost equally important verse which says, “For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:17). Our world today needs saving, and only Jesus can do that. Only Jesus can make the difference in a person’s life, so profound, that when it happens everything changes. You are changed from the inside out and given a new life. And if you know Jesus this morning, you have an obligation, our world today needs saving and only Jesus can do that. He has enlisted our help in that effort. So if you know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you’re on the team. It’s not a question of whether you made the team, you are on the team the moment you accepted Jesus into your life. The question is, are you willing to play the position He has placed you in? Without looking back, but looking to the Cross. Jesus paid it all for you and for me right there on the Cross of Calvary. Will we give whatever it takes to bring others to Him before it’s too late? And that’s the real question here this morning. Some of you that are watching, this might sound Greek to you, you never heard this before. Some of you have been Christians for a long time and you know exactly what I’m talking about. The issue is, are we willing as Christians, knowing what we know of the Bible, to go out and make a difference in a world that is in turmoil. God has given us the truth, We have been set free by the truth. Are we willing to tell others the truth that will set them free too? Jesus is coming. The world is getting closer and closer to the end. We all know it and we all are cognizant of what we are seeing today.
We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. We only know that God has given us today. There are certain people in this word that may not be here tomorrow, that’s a fact.
What are we doing for those people? What are we giving them that they are not getting from our news, from our blogs, from all the things that we are hearing from the government and the reporters. All those things sound like we are in desperation time. And, because what we know of the world, it is desperate time, and we have to do something about it. And God calls us to the one thing that we can do, tell others about the good news of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, just like you, just like me. And all you have to do is welcome Him into your heart and life and everything will change. But for those of us who are Christians our job is very clear, tell others before it’s too late.
I just pray that God’s richest blessings would be yours as we close this service today. I don’t know what this week is going to bring, but I do know the one that knows exactly what is going to happen this week, and what’s going to happen in your life this week, and He wants to be your Savior and Lord. All you have to do is say “Yes Lord. I want you in my life.” And He will come. Let’s close with a word of prayer.
“Our Gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day. We thank you for your blessings to us, and we thank you Lord, that no matter what is going on in the world you have overcome the world. There is nothing that the world can do that can shape us, or change us, we are your people, called by your name. Called out of darkness into your marvelous light. And you have given us life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord. May that be our prayer, may that be our plea this morning, that many more will come to know Christ, and to know Christ is to know life eternal. We praise you and thank you in His precious Name. Amen.
We thank you for being with us this morning, we pray that you received a blessing.
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