Saturday, May 2, 2020


     Some wise person once said, “if it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, and if it quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.”  Accepting the obvious as the correct conclusion seems to be a “no brainer”.  There are, however, people in our world today, who can come to the weirdest conclusions from a host of evidence pointing in an entirely different direction.  This, I think, is the most dangerous and alarming consequence of the ‘dumb down” of America.  No this is not going to be a political diatribe, although that might be a novel twist.  It is, however, high time we be completely aware of where we are and realize just how close we are to the “day of the Lord”.
     The time is coming, I believe, very quickly, when we, those who know Christ as our Savior, will be caught-up (i.e. raptured) from this earth.  There is no doubt in my mind that this event will be the catalyst that ushers in the Great Tribulation.  Whenever one treads on this ground, it gets a little shaky.  The vast majority of folks are not too interested in scary prophesy, but it needs to be addressed in light of what’ going on in our world today.
     If you haven’t noticed, the rest of the world (the Middle East, Asia, Africa) is on fire.  Wars and rumors of wars which Jesus talked about in Matthew 24 & Luke 21, abound no matter where you look and we can’t ignore the vast changes that are occuring right here at home.  Nothing seems “fixable” and the present and future events will, more than likely, progress downward.  Serious pundits, critics, bloggers and op-ed writers, point to an ever-increasing tide of bad news from every corner of the globe.  Their columns are filled with tales of gloom and doom from which there seems to be no relief.
     And now, we have the Coronavirus thrown in to muddy up the works even more.  This particular “pandemic” has taken the global economy right down into the depths of mayhem and chaos, unlike anything we’ve seen since the stock market crash of 1929 and the subsequent “great depression” of the 1930’s.  People are frightened and despairing about where it could all end up.
     I know that many of you look forward to this monthly article (because you’d been kind enough to tell me so) for a few laughs, some nostalgia and encouragement from God’s word.  Well, I’ll do my best not to let you down this time, either.  It may take a while, but we’ll get there!
     What is the upshot of what we’ve been seeing lately?  While it looks like everything is falling apart, the truth is that it’s actually working out according to God’s plan.  Jesus tells us, in Matthew 24:36, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”  If we take Jesus’ words to be accurate (and there’s no doubt about that), then we must also conclude that God will bring about all things according to His sovereign purpose. Don’t ever lose sight of the fact that God, unlike the rest of us, knows exactly what  He’s doing and will fulfill all prophesy in the way He has promised.  He will not deviate!
     The question becomes, what are we going to do in the meantime?  Do we live as if nothing is going to change (this is just another cycle)?  Do we bury our heads in the sand and say, “I can’t think about that now?” Or, do we get to work fulfilling the original charter of the true Church. What is that?  Again, in Mark 16:15-16, we are given words of instruction and admonition:  And He (Jesus) said to them, “Go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”  That’s our marching orders.  The rest of the world goes into battle with rifles, machine guns, cannons, tanks, jets, missiles, and bombs.  We take the Word of God.
     I find, as I talk with many Christians, there is a certain reluctance to speak with others about Jesus.  Fear of rejection, harassment, ridicule or hatred, fill the bill of objections these folks have against taking a stand for Christ.  When will we get it?  What we have, as Christians, is what the whole world needs!
     If you had the cure or cancer, wouldn’t you be overjoyed to give it to as many people as you could?  How about heart disease or paralysis?  You wouldn’t stand idly by and watch people die if you could do something about it, would you?  Of course not!  Then, knowing that there will be an end to everything we see and experience here on Earth, what stops us from spreading the life giving truth of the Gospel?  The answer is, nothing.  God’s word commands it.  The plan can’t be any more clearly defined.  Everything we need He provides.  We truly are running out of time.  Let’s go doi!                    -Pastor Rod

‘May In Miramonte’ has been cancelled this year.  We will be continuing to have planning meetings throughout the year, so look for a great ‘May In Miramonte’ in May 2021!

     Evangel Home has been ministering to homeless women and children since 1955.  They have a unique ability to impact those who have reached the end of their rope and run out of resources, or have has family circumstances compel them to seek other arrangements.  Evangel Home provides physical, emotional, racial and spiritual guidance, all without the help of any government aid or control.  The generosity of people who believe in the Ecangel Home ministry so passionately have made a huge difference in what they have been able to accomplish, and provide the necessities to keep their facility running.
     With the recent drastic changes occurring  because of the global viral pandemic, many food banks and organizations caring for the needy have seen an unexpected increase in demand for hot meals, food and everyday necessities.  Evangel Home still has the need to feed any residents and staff everyday, but their pantry supplies are dwindling and so are monetary donations with so many churches closed.
     If you can help the families at Evangel Home during this exceptional time, please send your monetary donations to:  Evangel Home at 137 Yosemite Ave., Fresno, CA 93701-1639, or contact them online at

     Please give as your heart directs you an you are able to.  Thank you for your help, generosity, faithfulness and prayers.                    -Linda Riffel, Missions Director

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY has begun meeting on Tuesday mornings at 10:00am at church.  HELPING HANDS WOMEN’S GROUP  is meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at 10:00am at church starting with Bible study followed by a short meeting.  NO POTLUCK.  
We have begun Wednesday Evening Bible study at 5:30pm with Wednesday Evening Prayer Service immediately following at 7:00pm.  Social distancing is in place at all functions.

   Please continue to pray for those of who have a family member or friend that has gotten sick with Covid-19 or has passed away.  Every life is precious to Jesus!

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